Houseplants for Low Light Rooms

2020-06-04T19:02:27-05:00January 8th, 2019|The Bauer's Blog|

We hear regularly that people want to bring some life to their home or apartment, even their workspace, but they simply don’t have enough light. There are so many benefits to having fresh greens around all year long that it makes sense that everyone wants to have a little bit of it in their own [...]


2020-06-04T19:02:27-05:00December 12th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

As one of the most beloved holiday houseplants, poinsettias have long been a symbol of Christmas. The intense red hue of their bracts is cohesive with decorative schemes across the globe. Poinsettias are so popular, the U.S. Congress has given them a national day which falls on December 12th. Aside from their natural beauty, the [...]

Best Ways to Use Cooking Apples

2020-06-04T19:02:28-05:00November 19th, 2018|Apple Recipes, The Bauer's Blog|

Apples are not only delicious but also incredibly versatile. With so many ways to use them, taking full advantage of all your apple tree’s hard work is not only simple, but also incredibly tasty. Here are some of our favorite ways to use cooking apples: Apple Pies As the saying goes, “as American as [...]

This Week at Bauer’s Market | October 7, 2018

2020-06-04T19:02:30-05:00October 10th, 2018|This Week At Bauer's|

We're crazy for Crocus! Enjoying early spring color is as easy as planting bulbs this fall.  Dig, drop, done... it's that easy!  Make it even easier on yourself and use an auger attached to your drill and you won't even have to bend or shovel a thing!  Spring blooming bulbs require a period of cold-temperature [...]

This Week at Bauer’s Market | October 1, 2018

2020-06-04T19:02:30-05:00October 3rd, 2018|This Week At Bauer's|

Apple Season 2018 Peak Season is upon us! Current availability is River Belle, Prime Red Jon, Ambrosia, Empire, Red Delicious, Regent, Haralson, Gala, Blondee, Chesnut Crab, Cortland, McIntosh, Wealthy, Sweet Sixteen, Golden Supreme, SweeTango, Pazazz (this one is delicious!), Zestar!, Lura Red, Honey Gold, Fuji, DS14 (so new it doesn't have a name yet), and [...]

This Week at Bauer’s Market | September 24, 2018

2020-06-04T19:02:31-05:00September 25th, 2018|This Week At Bauer's|

Apple Season 2018 We're beginning to go into Peak Season! Current availability is La Crescent, McIntosh, SweeTango, Honeycrisp, Chestnut Crab, Blondee, Wealthy, McIntosh, Cortland, River Belle, Fuji, Sweet Sixteen, Pazazz (this one is delicious!), Lura Red, and Gala.  If you’re driving a distance or traveling by and looking for apples, call ahead (5078954583) for the [...]

This Week at Bauer’s Market | September 17, 2018

2020-06-04T19:02:31-05:00September 17th, 2018|This Week At Bauer's|

Apple Season 2018 We have apples, yes we do!  We have apples.  How about YOU? Current availability is La Crescent, Paula Red, McIntosh, SweeTango, Honeycrisp, Chestnut Crab, Blondie, Zestar!, Wealthy, Prima, McIntosh, Cortland, River Belle, and Gala.  If you’re driving a distance or traveling by and looking for apples, call ahead (5078954583) for the day’s [...]

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