Bulbs, Seeds, Roots

Bauer’s carries a wide variety of spring bulbs. Some varieties include: Calla, Gladiolus, multiple varieties of lilies, Canna, Begonia, multiple varieties of Dahlias, Elephant Ears, and select specialty bulbs. We also have tulips, daffodils, and specialty bulbs during the fall season.
Seeds, seeds, seeds!
From annuals and bi-annuals, herbs and vegetables, Bauer’s carries hundreds of seed varieties from multiple companies. If you’re looking for non-GMO or organics, we have those too. Seed companies include: Botanical Interests, Weeks Seed, Northrup King, Alpine, Burpee, and Lake Valley.
Varieties available, in season, are:
Strawberry roots, Asparagus roots, Horseradish
Seed Potato varieties – Read Planting Potatoes
Yukon Gold, Kennebec, Superior, Norland, Pontiac, Gold Rush
Onion Bunches
Copra, Red River, Red Candy Apple, Yellow Sweet Spanish, White Bermuda, Candy Yellow, Walla Walla, Candy, & Red Zeppelin.