Plant Pharmacy

Spreadable Fert.-w/-w/ out Weed Killer
Hi-Yield Corn Gluten Meal 9-0-0
Bonide Lawn Seed Starter Fertilizer
Fertilome-New Lawn Starter
Pelletized Lime
Chick Magnet Organic Lawn & Garden Plant Food
Chick Magic Organic Tomato Food
American Dutch Bulb Food
Bulb Booster Fertilizer
Fertilome Liquid Iron
Fertilome Liquid Iron
Fertilome Root Stimulator
Fertilome Root Stimulator
Fertilome Root Stimulator
Hanging Basket Plant Food
Hanging Basket Plant Food
Fertilome Start-n-Grow
Fertilome Start-n-Grow
Fertilome Acid Loving Water Soluble
Fertilome Acid Loving Water Soluble
Fertilome Acid Loving Water Soluble
Fertilome Blooming & Rooting(9-59-8)
Fertilome Blooming & Rooting(9-59-8)
Fertilome Blooming & Rooting(9-59-8)
Fertilome Fish Emulsion
Fertilome Fish Emulsion
Fertilome Fish Emulsion
Fertilome Gardener’s Special
Fertilome-Gardener’s Special 11-15-11
Miracle Gro Azalea, Camelia, Rhododendron
Miracle Gro Azalea, Camelia, Rhododendron
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant 24-8-16
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant 24-8-16
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant 24-8-16
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant 24-8-16
Miracle-Gro Tree & Shrub Fert Spikes
Miracle-Gro Evergreen Fert Spikes
Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Fert Spikes
Miracle-Gro Plant Fert Spikes
Miracle-Gro Shake Feed Cal Tomatoe & Veg
Miracle-Gro Shake Feed Bloom Booster Flower
Miracle-Gro Shake Feed All Pur/Weed Pre
Miracle-Gro Shake Feed All Pur/Plant Food
Osmocote Pot Shots
Osmocote Fertilizer 14-14-14
Hi-Yield Tomato and Vegetable Food
Hi-Yield Ammonium Sulfate
Hi Yield Bone and Blood Meal
Hi-Yield Bloodmeal
Hi-Yield Bloodmeal
Hi-Yield Bonemeal
Hi-Yield Bonemeal
Hi-Yield Copperas Iron Sulphate
Hi-Yield Cottenseed Meal
Hi-Yield Dutch Bulb Food
Hi-Yield Agricultural Lime
Hi-Yield Hydrated Lime
Hi-Yield Hydrated Lime
Hi-Yield Garden Fertilizer
Hi-Yield Muriate of Potash
Hi-Yield Soil Suplhur
Hi Yield Super Phosphate
Hi-Yield Triple Superphosphate
Hi-Yield Treflan Herbicide Granules
Milorganite Garden Care
Organic Labs Tomato Maker
TNT Crystal Blue Tomato Booster
Holland Supreme Bulb Food
House Plant Products
Fertilome-Leaf Sheen
American-Thuricide (BT) American-Thuricide (BT)
Fertilome-In/Out Time Released(Aerosol)
Fertilome Dormant Oil Insect Spray
Fertilome-Carbaryl Spray
Fertilome Tree & Shrub Systemic Drench
Fertilome-Triple Action-Plus
Fertilome-Triple Action Plus
Fertilome-Triple Action-Plus
Fertilome-Triple Action-Plus RTU
Fertilome Wettable Dusting Sulphur
Fertilome-Dipel Dust
Fertilome-Dipel Dust
Fertilome Rose Food w/ Systemic
Hi Yield Thuricide
Hi-Yield Bug Blaster II Bifenthrin
Hi Yield Veg & Ornamental Insect
Hi-Yield Malathion Dust
Hi-Yield Malathion Dust
Hi-Yield Wasp & Hornet Spray
Hi Yield 38+ Turf & Termite
Hi-Yield Improved Snail & Slug Pellets w/Bitrex
Hi-Yield Killzall II
Hi-Yield Killzall ll
Hi-Yield Killzall II
Hi-Yield Kill a Grub
Hi-Yield Indoor Fogger Insecticide
Hi-Yield Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Granules
Nat’l Guard-Diat. Earth/Crawling Insect Cont’l.
Natural Guard Neem RTU
Pest Tabs
Pest Tabs
Tangle foot Red Sphere Trap
Tanglefoot Trap Cap Brush
Terro Ant Killer II
Terro Ant killer II Liquid Bait
Terro Ant Killer Aerosol Spray
Terro- Senoret Mosquito Granular
Terro- Senoret Fruit Fly Trap
Bonide- Sulfur Plant Fungicide
Bonide Infuse Fungicide
Bonide Infuse Fungicide
Bonide Infuse Fungicide RTU
Hi-Yield-Captan 50W Fungicide
Hi-Yield Copper Fungicide
Hi-Yield Lawn Fungicide Granules
Hi Yield Lime Sulphur Spray
Hi-Yield Sulfur Granular
Bonide Fung-onil Lawn Disease Granules
Bonide Copper Fungicide Wettable
Bonide Fungonil Concentrate
Bonide Fungonil Fungicide
Bonide Mancozeb
Bonide Mancozeb
Biosafe Greenclean Algaecide Granules
Weed Killers
Algoflash All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer
Round-up RTU Round-up Herbicide-RTU
Round-up Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate Round-up Pull/Spray II
Round Up-Poison Ivy Tough Brush Killer RTU
Fertilome Double Play
Fertilome Double Play RTU
Fertilome Weed Out with Q
Fertilome Weed Out with Q RTU
Fertilome Over The Top II Grass Killer
Fertilome-Weed Out
Fertilome Weed-Free Zone
Fertilome Weed-Free Zone
Fertilome Weed-Free Zone
Fertilome Weed-Free Zone
Fertilome Weed-Free Zone RTS Hose End
Greenview Garden Weed Preventer + Plant Food
Greenview Garden Weed Preventer
Preen Veg. Garden Weed Preventer
Preen Garden Weed Preventer
Preen Weed Preventer w/ Blooms Fertilizer
Hi-Yield- Grass Killer/Poast Herbicide
Hi-Yield Ornamental Weed Preventer
Hi Yield Super Concentrate Killzall
Hi-Yield Killzall II Glyphosate
Hi Yield Super Killzall RTU
Hi-Yield Stump Remover
Pest/Pet & Animal Repellants
Dog Rocks Pet Urine Burn Solution
Liquid Fence
Liquid Fence-Deer & Rabbit Repel Spray
Liquid Fence Rabbit
Liquid Fence
Liquid Fence
Liquid Fence Granular
Liquid Fence Granular
Motomco Mole Killer(4 Bait Worms)
Motomco Mole Killer(6 Bait Worms)
Motomco Mole Killer(8 Bait Worms)
Nash Loop Choker Mole Trap
Plantskydd Granular Shaker 1 lb
Plantskydd 3 lb Granular Shakerpak
Planyskydd 7 lb Shakerpak
Shake Away Deer Powder
Shake Away Critter Powder
Springstar Yellow Jacket Trap
Bonide Spreader Sticker (turbo)
Bonide Pruning Sealer Aerosol
Bonide Acidifier Amendment
Bonide Measuring Cups
Bonide Duster Applicator
Bonide Tree & Wreath Wilt Stop
Bonide-Annual Tree & Shrub Drench Merit
Bonide Mouse Magic Econo Pail
Fertilome Earthway Spreader
Earthway Deluxe Broadcast Spreader
Fertilome-Lawn & Leaf Bags
Fertilome-Pruning Sealer
Fertilome-Trunk Liner(Logo)
Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker
Hi-Yield Compost Maker
LaCrosse Forage Inoculant
Liquid Fence Freeze Proof
Organica Outdoor Clean
Care Free Bird Bath Protector
Care Free Fountain Protector
Care Free Fountain & Pond Protector
Microbe Lift Birdbath cleaner
Straw Blanket Retail Kit
EZ-Straw Mulch with TackFertilome Leaf Shine RTU
Encap Lime
Encap Gypsum
Encap Sulfur
Encap Iron