“Time will pass and seasons will come and go.”
– Roy Bean
Throughout the gardening season, we want our yards to be full of perfect perennials from start to finish. The warmer weather and longer days has us eager to enjoy our outdoor spaces – and we delight in having beautiful blooms every day that we can.

Pictured above: Brunneras
Choosing Perennials For The Season:
Every perennial has its time in the season. Some prefer the thaw of spring, while others prefer the scorching heat of summer. For a gorgeous garden all season long, gardeners can choose to plant perennials for all of the conditions from spring to fall. None of them will last all season, but you’ll have a stunning rotation of blooms to fill your yard every month. To help you choose from the many options available, we have a timeline of popular perennials found at the marketplace, with some of our favorites suggested:
Spring is the time for the morning flowers, the ones to love getting up earlier than everyone else. They are full of energy and are a welcome sign of life after winter. Spring blooming perennials are usually particularly hardy, having to stand up to the chilly spring days here in Minnesota. They usually won’t mind cloud-cover and will stand up to a little rain. Look for light colors that will brighten as the days get longer.
Brunneras are also commonly known as the False Forget-Me-Not. The tiny, light blue petals surround a bright yellow center, making them a near-perfect image of their nickname-sake cousins. The difference for these beautiful blues is their large, dark leaves that are variegated with grays, silvers, and whites. Give them full shade and consistently moist soil to thrive best.
Deutzias are fabulous flowers from the hydrangea family. They bloom on tall, arching branches that give them a delicate falling appearance. The small, trumpet flowers come in white or sometimes pink and grow in stunning clusters that look fantastic atop any spring garden. For best performance, give them partial sun and regular watering.
Irises are a classic spring perennial. They produce iconic blooms that are truly unlike any other flower. Atop tall stalks, beautiful, richly colored petals cascade downward to add drama to any bed. The sheer showmanship of these blooms is a spring surprise after the drab winter. Provide them with full sun and regular watering for a show-stopping performance starting early in the spring.

Pictured above: Deutzias
Summer is the season for the primadonna perennials. With so many varieties to choose from, this is when your garden will be at its fullest. Pick perennials in any colors, shapes, and sizes you want because summer is all about selection. The grand majority of our perennials at the marketplace are summer bloomers, so you can be sure you’ll find your favorite with us!
Peonies offer a classic summer feel that is perfect for summer blooming. Their dainty blooms are full of fragrance and add a lacy look wherever they are featured. Not just stunning in the garden, they also look beautiful in a bouquet! These perennials need partial to full sun and occasional watering to look their best.
Liliums produce truly amazing blooms that are large and in charge. While their flowers may be impressive in size, they have a compact growing habit, making them just as perfect in a container as the garden. They come in a dazzling array of colors and require relatively little care throughout the season. Give them rich, well-draining soil and as much sun as possible for the best blooms.

Pictured above: Peonies
Astilbes are the perfect solution for filling the shady spots of your garden in the summer – making the most of every inch in the gorgeous weather. These perennials love the heat of the season, but without the sunburn. While they like it dark, though, they produce beautifully bright blooms adorning spectacular spikes. For a one-of-a-kind flower and a pop of color in the shade, give your astilbe plenty of water to keep it healthy.
Shasta Daisies are the definition of summer brightness. The classic look of white and yellow makes these perennials picture perfect additions to any summer garden. They’re also great cutting flowers, looking stunning in a summer centerpiece on the table, too. Give them full sun and infrequent waterings for a perennial that will flower right up until fall.

Pictured above Left: Astilbes, Right: Liliums
Fall is less about new perennials and more about those late-bloomers that aren’t quite ready to let summer go. These flowers won’t mind the days getting shorter and will tolerate the cooler evenings. This is when you’ll see plenty of warm, moody shades of oranges, yellows, and reds that compliment the changing colors the autumn brings.
Black-Eyed Susans are an amazing autumn perennial that is both lovely and low-maintenance. Their combination of ease of care and stunning yellow make them a garden classic. Their deep, black centers surrounded by brilliantly yellow petals seem to capture the feeling of early fall. Requiring little work, give them lots of sun and occasional watering to bring a touch of summer sun into fall.
Gaillardias go by many names, including Goblin Flowers and Blanket Flowers. Whichever name you come across, you’ll love their fiery tones of red, orange, and yellow to bring warmth to the chillier days of fall. They will need occasional watering and plenty of sun to give their best performance.

Pictured above Left: Gaillardias, Right: Sedums
Sedums are true fall favorites that are known to stick around right until the mercury drops. They produce beautiful, disc-shaped clusters of little blooms that provide delicate contrast to their succulent-like foliage. For long-lasting color, provide them with partial sun and occasional watering.
Helenium, or Sneezeweed, aren’t just pretty perennials, but they have actually held an interesting place in “medicinal” history. In fact, it was once thought that the powder produced from the dried leaves could be inhaled to produce sneezes that could rid the body of evil spirits! While we don’t know about that, we do know they have delightful blooms in sensational shades of red, orange, or yellow. For the brightest color, give them plenty of sun and moisture.

Pictured above: Black-Eyed Susans
For a garden that blooms bright throughout the seasons, plant with perennials for every time frame. From spring to summer to fall, your garden can be alive and fresh no matter the temperature right until the frost returns. Here at Bauer’s, we are thrilled to offer a wide selection of picturesque perennials. Come in today to find the right fits for you and your garden!
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