Fall Lawn Care Tips

2020-06-04T19:02:31-05:00September 7th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

Lawn care does not stop when summer ends. To the contrary, when it comes to routine turf maintenance the late summer to early fall months are a critical time for cool season lawns. Cool season lawns are a group of turf species comprised mainly of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue. If [...]

Simple Tips to Prevent Window Strikes for our Feathered Friends

2018-08-09T10:07:53-05:00August 9th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

Cover Windows to Minimize Appearance When possible, use curtains, screens, awnings, or other types of window coverings to reduce the reflections in a window. This will be especially helpful during the late afternoon and evening hours when sunlight provides the harshest shine and birds are making one last trip to their favorite feeders before nightfall. [...]

Watering Tips

2020-06-04T19:02:32-05:00July 31st, 2018|The Bauer's Blog, This Week At Bauer's|

Watering Plants While Away A week's vacation at the beach might be a welcome break for you, but the absence of a doting gardener can wreak havoc on your indoor and outdoor plants. Here are some tools, tips and techniques that will help plants thrive while you're away, so you can come home from your [...]

Bauer’s Container Garden University: Compatibility

2020-06-04T19:02:33-05:00May 29th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

“Working together is success.” - Henry Ford Your container is it’s own enclosed world. All the plants living in it have to share space and resources with each other, and it is impossible to make more room. Your unassuming flowers are each working hard to get as much sunlight, water, nutrients, and space as [...]

Bauer’s Container Garden University: Moisture

2020-06-04T19:02:34-05:00May 22nd, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

“To be able to walk out the door when you come home from a job and wander into the garden to do a bit of watering gives you time to be creative in your mind.” - Mary Berry We’re lucky to live in an area where water comes right out of the tap. It’s just [...]

Bauer’s Container Garden University: Exposure

2020-06-04T19:02:34-05:00May 15th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

“The late afternoon sunlight, warm as oil, sweet as childhood…” - Stephen King, Carrie One of the most frequent gardening concerns we hear is about sunlight - and for good reason. It’s arguably one of the most important factors in your garden! Getting sun exposure just right can be the difference between your beloved [...]

Bauer’s Container Garden University: Basic Principles

2020-06-04T19:02:34-05:00May 10th, 2018|The Bauer's Blog|

“Gardening has always been an art, essentially.” - Robert Irwin Container gardening is an art. Not only can anyone do it and be good at it, but each container is its own living sculpture, full of all your favorite plants. Like most art forms, your container garden will look its best when a few guidelines [...]

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